One Trick Hoop Class: HAND ROLLS - 28 Minutes
CourseOne Trick Class - HAND ROLLS! Short (28 minutes), fun, funny, & learn a lot (practice time included!). Forward, reverse, planes, and two hand switches. You don't have to have a ton of energy for this class, but a smaller lighter hoop really helps!
Smears And Variations - 28 Minutes
CourseA Smear is a totally fun, beautiful hoop move, luscious On Body hula hoop trick. Che' breaks down the Smear into easy baby steps and adds some multi-level variations in this 28 minute class. FYI Smears are spectacular with an LED (lighted) hoop!
One Trick Class: Linear Isolation - 14 Minutes
CourseShort on time but want to learn ONE Really Cool Hoop Trick? Get the really essential steps to making this "Linear Isolation" seem to float in space from one side to another. It's a flowing off-body hoop move that looks like magical mystical Butter!
One Trick Quick Class - Elbow Hooping 26 Minutes
CourseThis is a short, focused 26 minutes learning the essentials of elbow hooping. You can be elbow hooping in just one session, with a short warm up, tips, and cool down, too! Great for arm & posture with low aerobic energy, if using a small light hoop.
One Trick Class Small Space Hoop Toss - 26 Minutes
CourseLearn great techniques and tips to do a hula hoop toss in small spaces and beyond. Start with a basic "J Toss", then try hand positions, hoop toss variations and extra tricks, plus warm up and cool down--in just 25 minutes!
Hand Pass-A-Rama Vertical and Wall Plane Hand Pass Class - 34 Minutes
CourseWant to learn some great techniques and add several Hoop Tricks to your hoop dance repertoire? You'll love these tailored hand pass tricks that are all in the Vertical Wall Plane. (Learn hoop jargon, too!)